Understanding Driving While Intoxicated in Texas: What You Need to Know

In Texas, facing legal consequences for driving while intoxicated is a grave matter. The article outlines the definition of DWI, possible sanctions, and crucial details necessary to grasp your predicament fully. Key Takeaways Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in Texas includes operating a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08% or higher or showing impaired faculties due […]

Top Criminal Law Attorney Houston TX – Expert Legal Defense Now

Facing criminal charges in Houston can be daunting. It’s crucial to find an experienced criminal law attorney Houston, Texas to protect your rights and navigate the legal system. This article will cover what you need to know about criminal law in Houston, why legal representation is vital, and how to choose the best lawyer for […]

Arrested for DWI in Texas? Here’s What You Need to Do

Facing a DWI charge in Texas can be a daunting experience, with serious consequences that can impact your freedom, finances, and future. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s crucial to know your rights and take the appropriate steps to protect yourself. In this guide, we’ll outline what to do if you’re arrested for […]

Intoxication Charges are Not Just for Drivers

Everyone has at least heard about driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence. You drink alcohol – or, these days, smoke marijuana or take other drugs – you drive your car and get pulled over by the police, you get charged with driving while intoxicated, which is what Texas calls all charges related to […]

Drinking and Driving Can Land You in Jail

Some people think that having a few drinks with friends is really no reason not to drive home. Many people, at least every now and then, drink and then drive and assume that nothing really bad will happen. Most of the time, they are right, and they make it home safely. But for some people, […]

Do I Have to Agree to a Blood Alcohol Test in a DUI Arrest?

Arrests for driving while intoxicated in Texas – and for similar crimes by other names in other states – follow a fairly predictable pattern. In almost all cases, the arrest starts with a driver being pulled over. Ideally, but not always, the police officer has probable cause to do so. Probable cause can include any […]

“Intoxicated” in Texas Covers a Lot of Ground

Many states use the phrase “driving under the influence” to describe many charges involving drunk driving and use “driving while intoxicated” to describe other drunk driving charges. Frequently, driving under the influence is a misdemeanor charge and driving while intoxicated is a felony, or at least a more serious charge. In Texas, all charges for […]

Can Texas Police Put Up a DWI Checkpoint?

Strictly speaking, checkpoints for driving while intoxicated (DWI) are unconstitutional in Texas. No Texas statute outlaws such checkpoints, but they were declared unconstitutional by a Texas criminal court of appeals in a 1994 case. Such checkpoints were ruled constitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court so long as state legislatures established reasonable guidelines for the use […]

Drunk Driving is a Big Problem, But You Still Have Rights

In 2019, there were 2,436 alcohol-related traffic accidents in Houston. In those traffic accidents, there were 73 deaths and an estimated 730 injuries. Houston is the most populous city in Texas, but no other municipality even came close in terms of alcohol-related traffic fatalities, accidents, or injuries. San Antonio, the second-largest municipality in the state […]

Everything You Need to Know About a DWI 1st Offense in Texas

DWI 1st offense

Are you worried about your DWI 1st offense? If the arrest happened in the past 6 months or a year, you may not have any information regarding your charges. This will typically cause stress and anxiety as you don’t know what to expect or if you can move on with your life. Luckily, first offense […]