
DWI Law: What’s the Legal Alcohol Limit in Texas?

legal alcohol limit

A staggering 1,468 people were killed in crashes involving a drunk driver in Texas in 2017. It’s never a good idea to risk getting behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking. Each person is different in their tolerance of alcohol, and things like how much food you’ve eaten can determine the effects it has on you. […]

Your DWI Attorney: Is a DUI a Felony in Texas?

Have you had the misfortune of being pulled over for a DUI? Obtaining that charge is scary enough, but after talking to your friends, they now have you wondering is a DUI a felony? Before you start panicking, take a deep breath and realize that the first or second DUI is likely a misdemeanor. We […]

DWI Charges in Houston? Everything You Need to Know

DWI charges

There were 1.1 million people arrested for drunk driving nationwide in 2014. The numbers have stayed pretty stable over the years, up to 2018. We don’t have the numbers for 2019 yet, but arrests are still happening every day. If you are one of the people facing DWI charges in Texas – then you have […]

Intoxication Manslaughter: Everything You Need to Know

Around 3,700 people are killed on Texas roads every year.  When road accidents cause death, the drivers responsible can be charged with vehicular manslaughter. However, if they were driving drunk, they can face intoxication manslaughter charges.  These cases are often tragic for everyone involved. But what are these charges and what do they mean? In […]

8 Questions to Ask Your DWI Defense Attorney

dwi defense attorney

Getting arrested for driving while intoxicated can be devastating. You are probably feeling guilty, ashamed of yourself, relieved that you didn’t cause grievous bodily harm to yourself or anyone else, and worried about the potential consequences. The last thing you need while you are grappling with all of these difficult emotions is how you’re going […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding DWI Law in Texas

driving while intoxicated laws in texas

With alcohol-related vehicle fatalities making up 28% of the total fatal crashes in Texas, the driving while intoxicated laws in Texas are stricter than some states. This can prove a real problem for Texas drivers, especially during holidays when officers conduct more traffic stops. If you find yourself required to submit to a drunk check, […]

Defensive Strategies for Fighting a DWI in Texas

dwi in texas

Sales in the drinking place industry clocked in at over 28 billion in 2017. Thus, it should come as no surprise that people like to consume alcohol when spending a night out on the town. However, even with the popularity of ridesharing services, people still sometimes get behind the wheel of a vehicle after they’ve […]

What’s the Difference Between DUI and DWI in Texas?

difference between DUI and DWI in Texas

Hopefully, if you are ever pulled over or arrested for a DUI or a DWI, you’re not going to need to blame it on a failing football team! Most people are abundantly aware of the dangers of driving while intoxicated. But just as many people often don’t understand the acronyms DUI or DWI. The difference […]

What to Do If You’re Pulled Over for DWI in Texas

DWI in Texas

According to the Department of Transportation, a drunk driving incident leads to 1 fatality every 50 minutes in the U.S. If you choose to get behind the wheel after having a few drinks, you could be putting your life and the lives of those around you at risk. For that reason, police are always on […]

Drunk Drivers Beware of the Administrative License Revocation Program in Texas

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) laws are one of the ways in which Texas lives up to its reputation as being a “tough on crime” state. In Texas, your third DWI charge is automatically a felony. Contrast this with some other states like North Dakota, where your third DWI is usually a misdemeanor and your fourth […]