
Child Pornography

Child Pornography

Laws against Child pornography under Federal and Texas state law are very stringent and come with severe consequences if convicted. Child Pornography is a very serious allegation because it affects your life in many ways. Even before you face a judge; such charges can create a media buzz which ruins your reputation. Family, friends and business associates will be affected by these accusations. If you are facing allegations of a child pornography crime, it is extremely important that you contact an experienced Child Pornography Lawyer.

Houston Child Pornography Defense Lawyer

Mario Madrid has defended those accused with criminal charges in Texas for over two decades. He has experience as a former Prosecutor for the State of Texas, as a Judge for the City of Houston and is Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Criminal Defense. Mr. Madrid combines his knowledge and expertise with zealous advocacy. He works tirelessly to achieve the best results for his clients who find themselves in the unfortunate position of being charged with a Possession of Child Pornography. Mr. Madrid knows what to look for and attack in his defense of child pornography charges. It is a tremendously important decision in your life, welfare and liberty to hire an attorney with proven experience and skill to defend you and hold the state to their burden to find the best solution for your situation. Mr. Madrid has the legal expertise in the defense of Child Pornography that is necessary in the defense of these very serious criminal charges. Call For a Free Consultation.

Texas Child Pornography Charges

Child pornography is defined by Texas law as a person knowingly or intentionally possessing material that visually depict a minor, under 18, participating in sexual conduct. If you are found guilty of possessing child porn, there can be severe consequences. These penalties include:
  • Lifetime requirement to register as a sex offender
  • 3rd degree felony conviction (2-10 years in prison)
  • Fines up to $10,000 per offense

You need an attorney with experience and the proper expertise to defend you in a such a serious and sensitive case.  Call Mario Madrid so that he can evaluate your case. He has the knowledge and trial experience to obtain the best possible outcome.

Experience in Child Pornography Defense

Mario Madrid has the experience necessary to question any evidence the prosecution may have against you. Was the search warrant legally obtained? Did the accused even know that the images were on his computer?  Some of the allegations that need to be addressed are:
  • Did anyone else use or have access to your computer?
  • If someone else used your computer to download or view child pornography?
  • Can it be shown that the images were the result of spam, malware or a computer virus?
  • Was the computer used when you bought it?
  • Could the images have been altered in any way?
  • Was the evidence gathered against you obtained legally?

There is much at stake when an individual is charged with Possession of Child Pornography. Mario Madrid is dedicated and highly skilled. He will investigate the allegations and work hard aggressively defending your rights.


Houston Child Pornography Defense Lawyer

Mario Madrid has over 20 years experience fighting and protecting the rights and public reputations of individuals charged with cases of child pornography. He will take the necessary steps to mount a proper and thorough investigation for an effective defense. He is well-versed in cases involving child pornography and will use all of his knowledge, experience and defensive strategies to aim for a dismissal of all charges. Do not let child pornography charges ruin your life.

Request a Free Consultation with Houston Criminal Defense Attorney Mario Madrid: