
The Cost of Commuting: Where Does Houston Rank?

The mere thought of commuting in and out of a major U.S. city conjures up images of bumper-to-bumper traffic stretching as far as the eye can see. If you’ve experienced it first hand, you might even be able to feel the stress creep into your body, hear the sound of horns blaring and contemplate how many hours you’ve wasted behind the wheel.

Unfortunately, Houston is notorious for its long commutes. Aside from the emotional toll they take, commutes can also be a stress on your wallet. The more time you’re spending in your car, the more you’re spending on gas, tolls, auto repairs… the list goes on.

The Auto Insurance Center conglomerated data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the 2015 Urban Mobility Scorecard, the INRIX 2015 Traffic Scorecard and the U.S. Energy Information Association to determine which cities had the best commutes, and which had the worst. They divided the data into separate categories, including cost of commute.

Considering how much time Houstonians spend behind the wheel — it takes some 40 minutes or more to get to work — it should come as no surprise that Houston ranks sixth on the list of most expensive commutes. On average, residents waste $1,490 per year on fuel and time, while the typical American pays $960. Ahead of Houston on the list are:

  1. Washington, DC – VA – MD: $1,834 per year
  2. Newark, NJ – NY – CT: $1,739 per year
  3. Los Angeles – Long Beach – Anaheim, CA: $1,711 per year
  4. San Francisco – Oakland, CA: $1,675 per year
  5. Seattle, WA: $1,491 per year

The survey took both fuel and time costs into consideration; they calculated that it costs motorists $17.67 per hour of idling, while diesel-using trucks waste $94.04 per hour doing so.

With all of this time and money spent behind the wheel, it’s important to be prepared in case of an automobile accident that could take you away from your car, your commute and, therefore, your livelihood. The Mario Madrid Law Firm knows your rights and can help you obtain the settlement you need to get back on your feet — and behind the wheel.