
Finding the Right Attorney for Sexual Assault Charges

If a guest at a party you are attending says that he or she is a lawyer, what do you imagine? You probably imagine that person wearing a suit, making eloquent speeches in a courtroom to establish reasonable doubt in the minds of jurors about whether his or her client is guilty of the charges being made against him or her. Your mental image is only correct if that person is a criminal defense lawyer. Another lawyer might spend his or her whole workday deciding whether or not to grant permission to applicants seeking to use copyrighted material owned by the company for which he or she works. A third lawyer might represent plaintiffs in personal injury cases, while a fourth might assist families with international child adoptions. You would not hire the copyright lawyer for help with an adoption case; you would want someone with professional expertise in cases related to your particular situation. If you are facing charges of sexual assault, not just any criminal defense lawyer will do. You want a criminal defense attorney who regularly works with clients accused of sex-related crimes.


Why is a Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Previous Professional Experience So Important?


When Rewire interviewed two criminal defense lawyers about things they wish that people knew about their profession, they, understandably, started by trying to clear up a stereotype. They started by saying that a criminal defense lawyer’s job is not to defend criminals; it is to defend the law. More surprisingly, though, they spent the rest of the interview talking about the difference between civil and criminal law and how this should affect a client’s choice of lawyer.  When a business chooses a lawyer, the business will employ the lawyer for many different legal services. By contrast, being charged with a crime is an isolated incident. The business lawyer has a history with the business, but the criminal defense lawyer does not have a history with you; he or she only has a history with cases similar to yours.


Furthermore, they stated that the local area is even more important in criminal cases than in civil ones. You want a criminal defense lawyer who has practiced extensively in your state, preferably one who grew up there, having obeyed its laws for his or her whole life. This is especially important for cases involving sex-related crimes, since the rules regarding the sex-offender registry, and being removed from it, are unique to each state. If you are trying to get your name removed from the sex-offender registry, or to prevent it from being put there in the first place, you do not want someone who is starting from scratch with sex-related crime cases.


Contact Madrid Law About Sexual Assault Cases


Mario Madrid only takes on criminal defense cases in the Houston area, and he has extensive experience representing clients charged with sex-related crimes. Contact Madrid Law in Houston to discuss your case if you are facing charges of sexual assault or a similar offense.