
How To Get Your License Back After a DWI In Texas

How To Get Your License Back After DWI in Texas

Even a DWI first offense can result in the suspension of your driver’s license. If a DWI is your first run-in with the law, you might feel relief at how lucky you are. At least you did not cause an accident, and no one was injured. At least you do not have to serve a lengthy prison term. You might even be able to participate in a pre-trial diversion program and avoid the harsher penalties altogether. Still, losing your driver’s license is no fun. Buying a car, turning 21, legally purchasing alcohol, and then riding the bus because your license is suspended because of a DWI just adds insult to injury. Meanwhile, you are paying for insurance on a car you can not drive. So, how do you get your driver’s license back after a DWI?


DWI-Related License Suspension in Texas

How long your license is suspended depends on several factors, such as how many previous DWIs, if any, you have and whether you complete an alcohol education course. If you are at least 21 years old, a first-time DWI conviction can result in having your license suspended for up to two years. To get your license back, you might have to participate in a 12-hour Alcohol Education Program. If you have had a previous DWI conviction, then the Alcohol Education Program course you have to take is 32 hours instead of just 12.

If you are younger than 21, then you can still get your license suspended for DWI. The period of license suspension is only one year.  If you do not complete the 12-hour alcohol education course, the courts will extend the period of license suspension by another 180 days. Therefore, a DWI for a person under 21 can result in one year of license suspension with an alcohol education course or one-and-a-half years of driver’s license suspension without the alcohol education course.


How to Get Your Driver’s License Back After a DWI in Texas

Once the period of license suspension has elapsed and you have completed the required courses, you can follow these steps to get your license back.

  • Pay the reinstatement fee. If you did not complete an alcohol education course, the fees are higher, so also send a copy of the certificate you received for completing the course.
  • Contact your car insurance company to get a Financial Responsibility Insurance Certificate. Then send a copy of the certificate to the Department of Public Safety.
  • You can submit the documents to the Texas DPS by post, fax, or email.


Request a Free Consultation from Madrid Law About DWI Cases

Getting your driver’s license suspended is far from the worst-case scenario when it comes to drunk driving, but it would be much better not to lose your driving privileges at all. A skilled DWI defense lawyer can help you avoid a conviction for drunk driving, whether or not you have previous DWIs. Contact Madrid Law in Houston if you are facing charges related to Driving While Intoxicated.

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