
Texas DWI News Roundup: Big Crashes in Little Towns

The saying goes that everything is big in Texas, and in fact, Texas is home to three of the 10 biggest cities in the United States – Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas. Driving while intoxicated is dangerous no matter where you do it, but the risks of a catastrophic crash are even greater on the busy highways of a major city like Houston. The news items in this week’s DWI news roundup stand out in that the DWI-related accidents all took place in small towns or on rural roads, but in some cases, they caused a lot of damage. This week’s DWI news items are also unusual in that the drunk drivers were older than most people stopped for DWI in Texas. Many first-time DWI offenses are by drivers younger than 25 who have no other criminal convictions.  In Texas, first-time DWI offenders with no criminal record, regardless of age, are eligible for a pre-trial diversion program.

DWI Crash in Sherman Miraculously Avoids Serious Injuries

On March 8, 2018, Thomas Burke, 66, was driving in Sherman, Texas when his risky driving behavior, allegedly caused by drunkenness, led his vehicle to collide with eight other vehicles.  One of the vehicles involved in the accident collided with A Touch of Class antique shop, causing at least one piece of antique furniture to fall over. No one in any of the vehicles or the antique shop was injured in the crash. In a scene that one can only imagine was reminiscent of The Blues Brothers, Burke was in the process of getting out of his car to walk away from the scene of the accident when police arrived.

DWI Costs Hays County Judge Re-Election Bid

During his term as a judge in Hays County, Judge David Gickler was convicted of driving while intoxicated. After his conviction, he was allowed to keep his job as judge, but he lost the privilege of ruling on DWI cases. His DWI case counted as a first offense, but it may not have been the first time Gickler drove drunk. He refused a breathalyzer test at a traffic stop in 2004, but instead of facing DWI charges, he pleaded guilty to reckless driving. In the 2018 election, Gickler’s opponent made the DWI conviction a campaign issue, costing Gickler his re-election.

Drunk Driver Collides with Etoile School Bus

John Wallace, 59, caused a chain reaction collision when the car he was driving hit an Etoile ISD school bus on Highway 103, causing it to collide with other vehicles. Neither the bus driver nor the children on the bus were injured.

Contact Madrid Law About DWI Cases

The drunk drivers in this week’s news are lucky that no one was injured in the accidents they caused. Even for minor accidents, though, DWI is a serious matter, and a defense lawyer can give you the help you need. Contact Madrid Law in Houston if you need professional legal advice about a DWI case.