
Texas DWI News Roundup: Seniors Edition

Driving while intoxicated is not just for party animals of barely-legal drinking age on spring break. All of the news items in this week’s Texas DWI news roundup involves people who were at least 50 years old at the time of their arrest or conviction for DWI. This week’s news reports also show that, in Texas, no one is above the law; this week’s featured DWI case defendants include a school principal, a judge, and a former Texas Ranger. DWI charges can happen to anyone who gets behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, including you. If you are charged with DWI, contact a Houston DWI defense lawyer.


School Principal Charged with DWI After Near Miss with Police Car


Traci Gonzalez of Harlingen, Texas was charged with DWI after she nearly caused a collision with a police car. She was taken to jail but was released after posting $2,500 bond. The Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District placed her on administrative leave from her job as an elementary school principal. The only way she will be able to return to her job is after the police investigations associated with her case conclude.


Limestone County Judge Resigns in the Wake of DWI Charges


Daniel Burkeen, a judge in Limestone County, Texas was arrested on misdemeanor DWI charges in April 2017. His Chevy Impala attracted the attention of traffic cops because its muffler was dragging on the ground, and when the police pulled him over, Burkeen failed field sobriety tests. This month, he submitted his resignation from his position as a judge. He announced plans to return to private practice as an attorney.


Former Texas Ranger Found Guilty of Misdemeanor DWI Charges

Marcus Hilton had a long, successful career in law enforcement; he joined the Texas Department of Public Safety in 1985 and became a Texas Ranger in 1993. In November 2015, he was charged with DWI; since it was his first DWI offense, it is a misdemeanor. His arrest came in the wake of a single-vehicle accident. Hilton was not on duty at the time of his accident and arrest.  He resigned from the Texas Rangers in December 2017 and was found guilty of DWI in 2018. His sentence has yet to be determined. For a first offense DWI, he could face a fine of up to $2,000. He could also be sentenced to jail, anywhere from 72 hours to six months.


A DWI Defense Lawyer can Help


Because of their DWI cases, the people in this week’s DWI news roundup lost positions of employment they had worked hard to achieve. If you hire a skilled DWI defense lawyer to help you avoid a DWI conviction, you may be able to avoid a similar situation to the ones in this week’s news items.


Contact Madrid Law About DWI Defense Cases

Mario Madrid is a Houston lawyer dedicated to representing defendants in DWI cases. Contact Madrid Law in Houston to discuss your case, whether it is a DWI first offense or a repeat offense.