
Texas is Tough on Drug Crime

Texas has a longstanding reputation for being tough on crime, and the state’s stance on drug crimes is no different. Texas has some of the nation’s harshest penalties for drug crimes, as is so often the case with other crimes in Texas. However, while Texas has a well-deserved reputation for being tough on crime, including drug crime, that is not the entire story.

The Reputation is Well-Deserved

For the most part, Texas has earned its tough-on-crime reputation, even when it comes to drug crimes. Most drug crimes in Texas – with the exception of crimes related to marijuana – come under the coverage of the Texas Controlled Substances Act, which is pretty much as tough as state drug laws get. The law divides major drugs, such as cocaine, heroin, LSD, PCP, and a variety of prescription drugs, such as Valium and Ritalin, into four categories and assigns penalties for possession of those drugs according to category, the amount of the drugs involved, and other circumstances.

For instance, penalties for illegal possession of certain prescription drugs, such as Ritalin or Valium, can be as little as a minimum of a year in jail and a fine of $4,000 up to a maximum of 20 years in prison and $10,000 in fines. Penalties are steeper for drugs that are illegal under all circumstances. They can range from minimums of two years in jail and a $10,000 fine up to 99 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000.

Texas Does Not Rely Only on Punishment for Drug Crimes

In recent years, Texas has begun to take an approach to at least some drug crimes that is not reliant simply on punishment. Increasingly, the state has increased the emphasis on treatment and rehabilitation when it comes to many drug crimes. The state has gone from having only seven drug courts in 2000 to having 136 in 2014, in addition to 15 courts that deal only with military veterans with drug and substance abuse problems, as well as mental health problems, related to their combat service.

Texas drug courts handle only drug-addicted offenders. The emphasis in these courts is getting offenders weaned from their drug dependency. They do this through close court supervision and mandatory treatment programs intended to get offenders off of drugs and address their substance abuse problems and the reasons for those problems. Drug court defendants undergo required drug and alcohol testing routinely and must report regularly and frequently to the court. Drug courts are created and designed locally so that the structure and function of the court best serve the needs of the locale where the drug court is operating.  

If You are Facing Drug Charges in Houston, Talk to Madrid Law Firm

If you have been charged with a drug offense in the Houston area, you need a good criminal defense attorney. The penalties for a conviction on these charges can be quite high, and you want your best possible defense. Also, there may be other options besides criminal prosecution. You should talk to Madrid Law Firm. We will defend your rights.